Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia

The Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia (Slovene: Društvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov Slovenije, DMFA) is the main Slovene society in the field of mathematics, physics and astronomy.

The Society is occupied with pedagogical activity and with the popularization of mathematics, recreational mathematics, physics, astronomy and with organizing competitions at all levels of education.

It takes care of publicistic and editorial activity, where we should mention its gazette Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko (A Review for Mathematics and Physics), a magazine for secondary schools Presek (A Section), literary collection Sigma and other literary editions.

The current president of the Society is Sandi Klavžar and the vice-president is Nada Razpet.

The DMFA collaborates with the European Mathematical Society (EMS), the European Physical Society (EPS) and many other related societies around the world.

Honourable members of the DMFA

The Society grants an honourable membership to a person or persons, which have contributed significantly to advance of mathematical and natural sciences in Slovenia, and to development of the Society.

A list of honourable members of the DMFA
# Name and surname A year
1. Josip Plemelj 1949
2. Lavo Čermelj 1974
3. Franjo Dominko 1981
4. Alojzij Vadnal 1984
5. Jože Povšič 1984
6. Anton Peterlin 1985
7. Ivan Štalec 1985
8. Ivan Kuščer 1986
9. Anton Moljk 1987
10. Ivan Vidav 1988
11. Marija Munda 1991
12. Peter Gosar 1994
13. Josip Grasselli 1994
14. Dušan Modic 1994
15. Niko Prijatelj 1994
16. Terezija Uran 1996
17. Jožica Dolenšek 1999
18. Darko Jamnik 1999
19. Martina Koman 2000
20. Franc Cvelbar 2000
21. Janez Strnad 2001
22. Anton Suhadolc 2001
23. Agata Tiegl 2002
24. Marija Vencelj 2002
25. Robert Blinc 2003
26. Mitja Rosina 2003
27. Karel Šmigoc 2004
28. Peter Vencelj 2004
29. Peter Petek 2005
30. Zvonko Trontelj 2007
31. Zlatko Bradač 2010

External links